All About Documentation

With the help of docToolchain, asciidoc, doc-as-code and friends

Welcome to this page

However you got to this page, I'm delighted.
It's actually an artefact of my documentation sandbox, where I deal with doc-as-code, docToolchain, arc42, asciidoc etc.
This page was generated with the docToolchain.
Although it is actually a sandbox, useful information can certainly be found here. But probably more interesting is the Git repository, where the sources for the contents of this page can be found.


Actually, I just want to try out how a blog can be managed with the toolchain that has been set up. But I'm sure you'll also find some useful information about documentation and my toolchain.


With my daily work as a software developer, I naturally also deal with documentation and accordingly with architecture documentation. arc42 has been a long-time companion and I want to share a few tips and tricks here.


On this page, or rather with the sources of this page, I want to show examples of different documentation requirements and how they can be implemented with my toolchain.

Publish to Confluence

Learn how to use the docToolchain to deploy your ASCII documentation to Confluence

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